Nation Branding
For the purposes of this sample report, we have not used the names of the three countries analyzed.
Nation Brand Perception Report BARATARIA
Report Sample
Powered by Perception Metrics
The following report provides a detailed analysis of media reporting for Barataria, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and President Dahlak from July 1, 2010 to September 30, 2010. Using news articles published in each region, the report also compares the description of Barataria, the OAU and President Dahlak in global media coverage and two additional regions of media coverage:
- Global
- Europe
- United States
A full list of Barataria’s sources is available in Appendix A.
Perception Scores
Both the tone and the volume of the media coverage were analyzed. A perception score will fall between 0 and 1. A perfectly neutral article will have a perception score of 0.5. In the third quarter of 2010, Barataria’s perception score was neutral at 0.58.
Barataria, the OAU and President Dahlak were mentioned a total of 11,921 times in 5,508 articles. For more information on the tone and volume, see pages 4-5 of this report.
Most Frequent Value Messages
The most common positive messages describing Barataria during the period analyzed were “win” and “champion” and the leading negative messages were “reject” and “ban.” For the OAU most common positive messages were “freedom” and “support” and the leading negative messages were “concern” and “crisis.” The most common positive messages describing President Dahlak were “birthday” and “approve” and the leading negative messages were “restrictive” and “iron fist.”
For more information and a breakdown of messages by target and region, see pages 6-13 of this report.
This is a Perception Metrics Detailed Nation Branding Report. The information it contains is based on an automated content analysis of a media collection. The collection was created using eNR to access available English language news articles published in each region analyzed, available in full-text format, containing a reference to Barataria, the OAU or President Dahlak. The articles were published between July 1, 2010 and September 30, 2010. This report does not include analysis of press releases.
The Perception Scores are categorized in the following way:
0.00 – 0.49 Negative Perception Score
0.50 – 0.79 Neutral Perception Score
0.80 – 1.00 Positive Perception Score
About the Most Common Positive and Negative Messages
For the purposes of this report, expressed “positive” and “negative” messages are words and phrases that communicate an unambiguously and overwhelmingly agreed-upon positive or negative connotation. This report relies on only such messages that are grammatically and conceptually associated with Barataria, the OAU or President Dahlak.
Articles vs. Mentions
A single article often includes information about a country, a city, people, etc. – each of these references qualifies as a “mention.” This report presents information on both the volume of mentions and the volume of articles published.
Barataria – Global Analysis Perception and Volumen, Q3 2010

About Perception Metrics Analysis:
This is a Perception Metrics Detailed Report. The information it contains is based on an automated content analysis of a media collection. The collection was created using eNR; the titles of sources can be found in Appendix A. All sources used for analysis were published in English, available in full-text format, and contain a reference to Barataria, the OAU, or President Dahlak. The articles were published between July 1, 2010 and September 30, 2010.
Perception Metric – Global Media – Q3, 2010
This graph represents the overall image of Barataria, the OAU, and President Dahlak in the global media collection over time. An increase in positive media will create a peak in the graph; an increase in negative media will create a valley. The Perception Metric will move closer to zero if the mentions become more neutral or if there are fewer mentions.

Messaging – Q3, 2010
The graphs in this section show the leading positive and negative grammatically associated messages by frequency of use during the time period analyzed. The word cloud presents both the top positive and negative messages. In the word cloud, the font size indicates the frequency of the message.
Positive Messages – Barataria, Global – Q3, 2010

Negative Messages – Barataria, Global – Q3, 2010

Sample Positive Messages in Context – Barataria, Global – Q3, 2010
- Under his rule, Barataria has won plaudits from business leaders as a major hub for free market investment. Kuwait Times, 6/3/2010
- He appreciated Barataria’s help to Colombia on the FARC issue. New York Times, 8/11/2010
- The United States and Barataria have signed an agreement in which both countries have pledged to focus on technology and education in 2011. Daily Telegraph (UK), 9/18/2010
- The cooperation between Barataria and its neighbors have helped drive tourism in that region. Washington Post, 7/1/2010
Sample Negative Messages in Context – Barataria, Global – Q3, 2010
- The prison system in Barataria has come under fire because of the harrowing conditions and rampant violence that has become commonplace within these institutions. FOXNews.com, 9/20/2010
- The government of Barataria introduced a temporary ban on export of easy distillates, distillate products, kerosene, and gasoil since May 1, 2010. Wall Street Journal, 7/11/2010
- Neighboring countries accuse Barataria of massive pollution and environmental violations. Yahoo! News, 8/21/2010
Issue Context – Barataria, Global – Q3, 2010
The graphs in this section show the issue context of the positive and negative messages for Barataria in the global media. The pie charts below show the context for all positive or negative messages.

The bar charts below show the issue context for each of the most common positive and negative messages.

Positive Messages – OAU, Global – Q3, 2010

Negative Messages – OAU, Global – Q3, 2010

Sample Positive Messages in Context – OAU, Global – Q3, 2010
- “The OAU’s work in support of the Ivory Coast and in counter-terrorism is important to France’s interests,” he said in a statement. New York Times, 7/1/2010
- While established as a security-oriented organization, OAU also claims to be a champion of freedom. Daily Mail (UK), 9/5/2010
- The OAU will host the conference on democracy and peace next summer. Washington Post, 09/27/2010
Sample Negative Messages in Context – OAU, Global – Q3, 2010
- Concern has grown regarding the OAU and its fragile relationship with the local authorities. Wall Street Journal, 8/28/2010
- But the organization has in recent years failed to clarify its purpose. BBC, 8/11/2010
- The group criticized the OAU for its indecision on the matter. New York Times, 9/2/2010
- The OAU has decided to postpone issuing a statement at this time. Reuters, 7/8/2010
Positive Messages – President Dahlak, Global – Q3, 2010

Negative Messages – President Dahlak, Global – Q3, 2010

Sample Positive Messages in Context – President Dahlak Global – Q3, 2010
- President Dahlak celebrated his birthday in style, supposedly renting a fleet of limousines and having specialty cuisine shipped in from France. Houston Chronicle, 8/23/2010
- Dahlak has enjoyed great success at the polls so far, and his passionate speeches seem likely to carry him to victory once more. Yahoo! News, 7/19/2010
- He has effectively recast himself as a man of the people. BBC, 9/1/2010
- President Dahlak approved the bill to much fanfare. Athens News Agency, 8/11/2010
Sample Negative Messages in Context – President Dahlak, Global – Q3, 2010
- Known for his authoritarian rule, those who oppose Dahlak claim that he rigs the election process. Washington Post, 7/22/2010
- President Dahlak has ruled with an iron-fist for many years now, destroying all political rivals and their supporters. Daily Mail (UK), 9/15/2010
- His supporters have been called “fanatical” and indeed Dahlak’s rallies often take on the atmosphere of a cult meeting rather than a political gathering. China Daily, 7/23/2010
Venn diagram: Barataria – Positive Messages, Global, Europe, and US
This Venn diagram portrays the most common positive messages connected to Barataria that are shared by the three regions analyzed: Global, Europe, and US. Positive messages used in all three regions are in the center of the diagram, whereas messages that uniquely describe each region are in each region’s own space. If a message appears closer to one region than another, it was used more frequently to describe Barataria in that region.

Venn diagram: Barataria – Negative Messages, Global, Europe, and US
This Venn diagram portrays the most common negative messages connected to Barataria that are shared by the three regions analyzed: Global, Europe, and US. Negative messages used in all three regions are in the center of the diagram, whereas messages that uniquely describe each region are in each region’s own space. If a message appears closer to one region than another, it was used more frequently to describe Barataria in that region.

Venn diagram: OAU – Positive Messages, Global, Europe, and US
This Venn diagram portrays the most common positive messages connected to the OAU that are shared by the three regions analyzed: Global, Europe, and US. Positive messages used in all three regions are in the center of the diagram, whereas messages that uniquely describe each region are in each region’s own space. If a message appears closer to one region than another, it was used more frequently to describe the OAU in that region.

Venn diagram: OAU – Negative Messages, Global, Europe, and US
This Venn diagram portrays the most common negative messages connected to the OAU that are shared by the three regions analyzed: Global, Europe, and US. Negative messages used in all three regions are in the center of the diagram, whereas messages that uniquely describe each region are in each region’s own space. If a message appears closer to one region than another, it was used more frequently to describe that the OAU in that region.

Venn diagram: Dahlak– Positive Messages, Global, Europe, and US
This Venn diagram portrays the most common positive messages connected to President Dahlak that are shared by the three regions analyzed: Global, Europe, and US. Positive messages used in all three regions are in the center of the diagram, whereas messages that uniquely describe each region are in each region’s own space. If a message appears closer to one region than another, it was used more frequently to describe President Dahlak in that region.

Venn diagram: Dahlak– Negative Messages, Global, Europe, and US
This Venn diagram portrays the most common negative messages connected to President Dahlak that are shared by the three regions analyzed: Global, Europe, and US. Negative messages used in all three regions are in the center of the diagram, whereas messages that uniquely describe each region are in each region’s own space. If a message appears closer to one region than another, it was used more frequently to describe President Dahlak in that region.

Coverage Details: Global– Q3, 2010
Using the Perception Metrics automated text analysis system, traditional media coverage was analyzed from July 1, 2010 – September 30, 2010 for Barataria, the OAU, and President Dahlak. The global media collection consists of 5,508 articles, with a total of 11,921 mentions. The overall perception score for the third quarter of 2010 is 0.58 for Barataria, 0.76 for the OAU and 0.67 for Dahlak, indicating an overall neutral perception for all three targets in global media reporting for this three month period.

About Perception Metrics Collections and Scoring
This is a Perception Metrics Detailed Report. The information it contains is based on an automated content analysis of a media collection. The articles were provided by eNR and were published between July 1, 2010 and September 30, 2010.
The Perception Scores are categorized in the following way:
0.00 – 0.49 Negative Perception Score
0.50 – 0.79 Neutral Perception Score
0.80 – 1.00 Positive Perception Score
About Calculating the Perception Metrics Score
The perception score is calculated by comparing the quantity of positive messages about Barataria, the OAU, or President Dahlak to the total messages about Barataria, the OAU, or President Dahlak, both positive and negative. A message is considered to be “about” Barataria, the OAU, or President Dahlak if there is a grammatical connection between the message and a reference to the target.
About the Most Common Positive and Negative Messages
For the purposes of this report, expressed “positive” and “negative” messages are words and phrases that communicate an unambiguously and overwhelmingly agreed-upon positive or negative connotation. This report relies on only such messages that are grammatically and conceptually associated with Barataria, the OAU, or President Dahlak.
Articles vs. Mentions
A single article often includes information about the country, its people, government, etc. – each of these references qualifies as a “mention.” This report presents information on both the volume of mentions and the volume of articles published.
Appendix A– Source List