The notion that every nation is a brand, which needs to be differentiated from other nations and promoted internationally, is relatively new but gaining acceptance. A good nation brand can create a synergy of national assets and bolster a country’s global impact, helping to promote trade, investment and tourism.
There is a growing body of related literature. Below are several articles that examine nation branding from a variety of perspectives.
National Identity and National Image
A Purpose-Driven Approach to Nation Branding
A fundamental assumption of nation branding is that there are positive elements in the national identity that are not well reflected in its image, and that the country’s brand can be shaped and managed… more>>
Managing Nation Brand Halos and Shadows
The halo effect was first studied, and named, by Edward Thorndike in a 1920 article titled “The Constant Error in Psychological Ratings”. He found that perception of a person’s physical qualities typically had an erroneous influence on judgment of personality… more>>
Palestinians seek to boost their image
It may be many more years before Palestinians finally establish their own nation state. However, a national brand is already in the making … more>>
Public Diplomacy at the Crossroads: Definitions and Challenges in an “Open Source” Era
Over the past decade, as there has been more discussion of public diplomacy, there has been less agreement on what exactly it is and who exactly can “do” it. In this paper I offer some thoughts about defining and defending the role of government in public diplomacy and briefly outline some challenges faced by public … more>>
Korea Lacks in Strong Identity in Brand Positioning
WASHINGTON — Korea can definitely benefit from a well-executed nation branding program. Already it has one of the world’s strongest economies and some of the best international corporate brands, such as Hyundai, Samsung and LG. What it lacks is a distinct position in the world in the minds of most people… more>>
Branding Korea
President Lee Myung-bak’s initiative to address Korea’s brand perception overseas has stirred a debate about what nation branding really is, and whether it is worthwhile. In a nutshell: this is a very good initiative that can be of great benefit to Korea… more>>
Why Nation Branding is Important for Tourism
Promoting tourism products successfully requires a context that allows your audience to appreciate what your country has to offer to visitors. That context is the overall image, or brand, of your country… more>>
Nation Branding Explained
It’s nothing new for nations to care about image, but the past ten years represent a turning point in the methods states use to manage their reputations. In many cases, governments now hire public relations firms and apply brand management theory—formerly the domain of corporate communications departments… more>>
The Rise of the Brand State
Look at the covers of the brochures in any travel agency and you will see the various ways in which countries present themselves on the world’s mental map. Singapore has a smiling, beautiful face offering us tasty appetizers on an airplane, whereas Ireland is a windy, green island full of freckled, red-haired… more>>
Control, Control, Control: Advocacy Advertising and Public Relations
It’s nothing new for nations to care about image, but the past ten years represent a turning point in the methods states use to manage their reputations. In many cases, governments now hire public relations firms and apply brand management theory—formerly the domain of corporate communications departments… more>>
Nation Branding and Place Marketing
The series titled ‘Nation Branding and Place Marketing’ was written by International Media Analyst Sam Vaknin.
Nation Branding and Place Marketing
Nation Branding and Place Marketing – The Product
Nation Branding and Place Marketing – The Price
Nation Branding and Place Marketing – The Place
Nation Branding and Place Marketing – Promotion, Sales, and Advertising
Nation Branding and Place Marketing – The Sales Force and Marketing Implementation Oversight